Thursday, November 10



November 10, 2005
BAGHDAD, Iraq — Iraqi security forces and Task Force Baghdad Soldiers conducted cordon-and-search operations in eastern Baghdad, detaining terror suspects and seizing contraband Nov. 9-10.

Soldiers from 1st Battalion, 184th Infantry Regiment and Iraqi forces from 1st Battalion, 2nd Commando Brigade conducted a cordon and search in Horajeb Nov. 9. The Iraqi-U.S. team detained 30 suspects for further questioning.

One day later, taking the enemy by surprise, Soldiers from 1st Bn., 184th Inf. swooped in on the target area west of the Tigris River using four UH-60 Blackhawk helicopters.

Once on the ground, Soldiers began their search of 18 houses and caught two terror suspects with contraband which included five AK-47 assault rifles with three magazines, one pistol, and one shotgun. There were also bomb-making materials, including four doorbells with wire and one washing machine timer. Weblog LINK

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