Tuesday, November 8


U.S. M.A.S.H TREATS 1,000th PAK

November 8, 2005
U.S. Disaster Assistance Center Pakistan – A U.S. military field hospital in Muzaffarabad, Pakistan treated its 1,000th patient the evening of Nov. 6.

The 212th Mobile Army Surgical Hospital deployed to Muzaffarabad as part of the United States’ support to the Pakistani-led relief effort resulting from the devastating earthquake Oct. 8 that caused heavy damage in the Kashmir and Northwest Frontier Provinces, Pakistan.

The hospital deployed to the heart of the earthquake zone from its base in Germany and began seeing patients on Oct. 25. The facility is capable of performing simultaneous surgeries and has a capacity of 24 intensive care unit beds with 60 additional beds for those requiring less critical care. It also has lab, x-ray, pharmacy and other capabilities similar to that of any typical U.S. hospital.

The 1000th patient, a 28-year-old male Pakistani citizen, was treated and released for relatively minor medical issues. In addition to treating patients suffering severe injuries directly resulting from the earthquake, the MASH is filling a vital gap by providing medical care to the local population, as nearly all of the existing medical facilities in the region were destroyed or damaged in the disaster. Weblog LINK

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