Friday, November 4



November 4, 2005
Disaster Assistance Center Pakistan – U.S. military helicopter crews delivering relief aid to earthquake survivors in Pakistan’s remote mountain ranges have flown more than 1000 trips since beginning flight operations here Oct 11.

When helicopter flight operations ended for the day on Nov. 3, U.S. military pilots had flown 1,056 missions into Pakistan’s Kashmir and Northwest Frontier Provinces, a rugged mountainous region.

There are 24 U.S. military helicopters supporting Pakistani-led relief efforts. The U.S. Army has 17 CH-47 Chinooks and three UH-60 Blackhawks providing aid, while the U.S. Navy has two MH-53 Sea Stallions and two MH-60 Knighthawks.

More than 3,200 injured Pakistanis have been evacuated to medical facilities aboard U.S. military helicopters in the past 25 days. In addition, the amount of relief supplies delivered by U.S. military helicopters totaled more than 4 million pounds. Weblog LINK

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