Monday, October 3



October 3, 2005
CAMP BLUE DIAMOND, AR RAMADI, Iraq – A force of approximately 1,000 Marines, Soldiers and Sailors from Regimental Combat Team-2 launched an operation against a known terrorist sanctuary in the western al Anbar province town of Sadah, in the al Qaim region approximately 12 km. from the Syrian border.

Operation Kabda Bil Hadid, or Iron Fist in English, began in the early morning hours in order to root out al Qaeda in Iraq terrorists operating in the area and to disrupt terrorist support systems in and around the city.

For the past several months, terrorists within Sadah have escalated their intimidation and murder campaign against the local populace and city government officials. The resulting effect was an increased ability to move freely within the area and a base for them to launch attacks against innocent civilians, Iraqi Security forces and Coalition forces.

By interdicting foreign fighters flowing in from the Syrian border, the operation will also serve as a way to provide security for the upcoming referendum.

As with all coalition operations, strict measures are taken to prevent civilian casualties and unnecessary collateral damage to property.

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