Tuesday, October 25



October 19, 2005
BAGHDAD, Iraq – Special operations personnel from both the U.S. Navy and Army finished several weeks of training for the Iraqi Army’s newest soldiers just outside Camp Fallujah Oct. 6.

The new Soldiers learned individual and squad movements, reaction to enemy fire and other necessary skills they will use as they join their units.

All the graduates from this course are from the same tribe in western Al Anbar Province near Al Qaim along the Syrian border. The men joined to fight the terrorists who have brought violence to their homes, villages and cities of western Iraq.

“The families and people of Iraq need to be rid of the terrorists. Iraq will only be better if we get more people to join and fight,” said Pvt. Abdel.

“I’m going to fight al Zarqawi’s followers,” Pvt. Ghedha proudly proclaimed one day during a break at the rifle marksmanship range.

“We’re going to take everything we learn here and go back and fight the terrorists.”

“Iraq needs us to fight,” he continued. “This is our country and we need to fight to keep it safe.” Weblog LINK

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