Friday, September 16



September 16, 2005
BAGHDAD, Iraq – Coalition Air Forces raided an al-Qaida in Iraq terrorist complex south of Haditha that contained a vehicle borne improvised explosive device factory and weapons caches Sept.16 at 4:24 am.

Upon departing the facility, Coalition Forces conducted air strikes against the Euphrates River Valley complex and destroyed it.

Tips from local citizens and intelligence resources confirmed the existence of the complex, which consisted of 12 buildings. Coalition Forces raided the complex, but all terrorists had fled the facility prior to their arrival. After searching the complex, Coalition Forces found that three of the buildings were used to store weapons and explosives, as well as to manufacture VBIEDs (CARBOMBs).

During the search of the complex, Coalition Forces found two weapons caches with mortars and artillery shells in one building and a significant number of RPG rounds, launchers, AK-47s and other small arms and ammunition in another building. Coalition Forces also found three VBIEDs ready for use and two vehicles that were rigged as VBIEDs but awaiting explosives.

After a search of the complex, Coalition air assets delivered precision guided munitions that destroyed three buildings and five vehicles. During the strikes, multiple large secondary explosions were observed as the VBIEDs and weapons caches were destroyed.

The complex was located south of Haditha in a remote area, and the type of munitions used and the time that the air strikes were conducted mitigated the risk to local civilians. Weblog LINK

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